Explorer of Life

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Embed texts or images and open Image Link in New Page(การปะรูปและเชื่อมโยงไปสู่หน้าใหม่)

Follow the following steps

Go to the desired picture or url. Right click on picture and select properties or copy url address.
For example:
I want to create a link to my new photo album on my multiply website using the title thumbnail of that album, which is this one:

I would go to my photo album and locate the desired thumbnail. I right click the image and copy the property of the thumbnail as follows:

Note that the above location (property of the image)  is just the picture itself which will be used as a thumbnail (button) for users to click on to be directed to the page I want them to visit. So now I have to go to "Edit HTML" to edit the "Hyper Link" codes to:

  • indicate that the above link is a picture and
  • to make the link open in new window.(target="_blank")
The syntax of the hyperlink looks like this:

<a href="
LINK LOCATION" target="_blank"><img src="IMAGE PROPERTY" border="0" alt="ALTERNATIVE TEXT"></a>The code for my example will look like this:

<a href="
http://toichatpet.multiply.com/photos/album/21/Birds_Series_I_-_American_White_Pelicans" target="_blank"><img src="http://images.toichatpet.multiply.com/image/25/photos/21/1200x120/8/cover-small.jpg?et=bjPied8ez8JMbTYKHdmnhQ&nmid=94815927" border="0" alt="Bird Series"></a>This is how to make a plain "TEXT Link":
And it will look like this:
<a href="http://toichatpet.multiply.com/photos/album/21/Birds_Series_I_-_American_White_Pelicans" target=" blank">TEXT</a>
TEXT = Text to click

Click on the following text and see an image pop up in a new window.Text to click

In case of an imbedding of a picture, do this: 

<a href="The address or location of the image, file or text you want your visitor to go to" target="_blank"><img src="Image Property" border="0" alt="Alternative Text"></a>Alternative Text (alt):
Click on the small picture below and when hovering the mouse over image it should say "Bird Series".
This is how to link to the ALBUM PAGE:
Bird Series
This is how to open the BIGGER Picture in a new window:
Bird Series